Choose a 100% Canadian-made eco-friendly septic system.

  • Turnkey service
  • Eco-friendly and 100% biological
  • Certified and recognized
  • Requires little space
  • Increases your property value

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Kind regards,
Your sanitation experts
1 705 363-6858

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Satisfied customers

Pierre Lachapelle

We have been Bionest customers since 2010 and each year we are completely satisfied. Thanks to Jennifer, Émilie, Alex and Bruno for their professionalism and kindness. Their respect for customers is remarkable. Thank you to the whole team for your excellent work! A very satisfied customer.

Jean Sercia

Very good customer service. Everyone I spoke to was very supportive and well-directed in answering my questions. Bruno came to replace the pump in my Bionest system. He is really very competent and professional, explained well to me and showed me what was defective. Plus he's very friendly! Thanks Bruno, thanks to customer service!

Mélanie Lessard

Thank you for the excellent customer service received this morning. The employee took the time necessary to investigate my request. He was very knowledgeable and courteous.

Depuis 2010, nous sommes clients Bionest et chaque année, nous sommes pleinement sastifaits. Merci à Jennifer, Émilie, Alex et Bruno pour leur professionnalisme et leur gentillesse. Leur respect envers les clients est remarquable. Merci à toute l'équipe pour votre excellent travail! Un client très satisfait.

- Pierre

Très bon service à la clientèle. Toutes les personnes à qui j’ai parlé m’ont très bien accompagné et bien dirigé pour répondre à mes questions. Bruno est venu remplacer la pompe de mon système Bionest. Il est vraiment très compétent et professionnel, m’a bien expliqué et montré ce qui était défectueux. En plus il est très sympathique! Merci Bruno, merci au service à la clientèle!

- Jean

Merci pour l’excellent service à la clientèle reçu ce matin. L’employé a pris le temps nécessaire pour investiguer sur ma requête. Il était très compétent et courtois.

- Mélanie


We have the right advanced treatment solution for your onsite septic system.

Robust and durable

A permanent and certified solution.

Compact and discreet

Fully buried for perfect integration, requiring little space.

Permanent media

The BIONEST media provides optimal biological treatment with no need for replacement.

Guaranteed reliability

The BIONEST system offers exceptional and consistent treatment performance. Our media is even guaranteed for 30 years! It’s a long-term investment providing peace of mind.

How does it work ?

Advanced treatment

Wastewater is directed to a first tank (called primary reactor, equivalent to a septic tank or pre-treatment tank) to separate solids and grease, then to a second tank (Bionest reactor) for biological treatment before the treated water is allowed into the environment.

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